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Corporate Reports

TransLink’s core values of integrity, excellence, and accountability shape our reporting systems. We benchmark the progress of our vision and mission as an organization through the reports found below.

TransLink's Accountability Report highlights the accomplishments of each fiscal period. The reports are prepared under the direction of the Board of Directors. Each report contains performance measures, selected by the Board, as well as a consolidated Financial Report.

Annual business plan sets out the annual operating and capital budgets each year, including operating indicators.

The Executive Compensation Plan (ECP) governs the compensation structure for executives at TransLink and its subsidiaries. The ECP was first established in 2015 based on 2014 market data. The 2019 ECP is based on comparisons established by an independent third-party firm specializing in compensation and approved by the TransLink Board of Directors on July 17, 2019 and the Mayors’ Council on July 25, 2019.

Quarterly and year-end financial and performance reports highlight fiscal and sustainability performance.

This is TransLink’s first report on the steps taken during the fiscal year of January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, to prevent and reduce the risks of forced or child labour in our supply chains. This report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act SC 2023, c 9 (the “Act”). This report covers the TransLink entity and its wholly owned subsidiary entities.

Peer Agency Review is prepared as part of our commitment to accountability and transparency to put our performance in context against other transit agencies.

Statutory Annual Report includes a summary of operations for the year in relation to TransLink’s strategic transportation plan and includes other reporting obligations such as audited consolidated financial statements, complaints, and customer satisfaction summaries.

Financial Information Act Report identifies employee and director remuneration and expenses, payments to suppliers, and grants made to external bodies.

TransLink recognizes the need to be open and transparent, including providing online its annual Financial Information Act filing, TransLink and operating companies' remuneration, and an executive compensation summary. Reports for previous years are available by search.

Customer Service Performance

TransLink is committed to providing customers with a service that's efficient, safe, reliable, and comfortable.

The Customer Service Performance study tracks performance on overall service and individual service attributes of the system and transit modes from customers.

Surveys are conducted with customers across Metro Vancouver through a third-party research firm.

In 2023, the customer service performance rating for bus, SeaBus, and SkyTrain averaged 8.0 out of 10.

For a look at how each transit mode and service amenity scored, view the following survey reports:

Customer Service Performance Reports

2024 Reports

Bus, SeaBus, SkyTrain

West Coast Express

2023 Reports

Bus, SeaBus, SkyTrain

West Coast Express


2022 Reports

Bus, SeaBus, SkyTrain

West Coast Express


2021 Reports

Bus, SeaBus, SkyTrain

West Coast Express


Bus, SeaBus, SkyTrain

West Coast Express



Bus, SeaBus, SkyTrain

West Coast Express


Bus, SeaBus, SkyTrain

West Coast Express


Bus, SeaBus, SkyTrain

West Coast Express


Bus, SeaBus, SkyTrain

West Coast Express


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