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Faster, more frequent, and reliable bus service is here! RapidBus is at least 20% faster than local buses.

RapidBus Network Map


All Day Service

Clock with a sun behind it
  • 10 minutes or better in peak times

  • 15 minutes or better at other times

  • Service from 6 a.m. to midnight or better

Fast & Reliable

  • Less stopping

  • All-door boarding

  • Redesigned streets to prioritize transit

Distinct Look & Features

Shiny new bus
  • New hybrid articulated buses

  • Distinctive bus branding

  • Real-time information at stops

  • Accessibility features

RapidBus Routes

Future RapidBus Routes

As part of the Mayors' 10-Year Vision, the R6 and R7 RapidBus will bring faster, more frequent, and reliable service to the region.

Alongside the City of Richmond, we are currently working to evaluate alignment options for the R7 RapidBus. Check back soon for more information.