To start the survey, scan the QR code in your invitation letter or visit the Ipsos Diary survey site.
2023 Trip Diary Survey

Transportation planning requires large amounts of data. TransLink undertakes a wide range of transportation-related research and analytics to better understand the experiences and needs of our customers as well as the travel behavior of the people in the region as a whole. In 2023, TransLink, in collaboration with Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley Regional District is conducting the trip diary, a household travel survey taking place every 5 years or so.
Ipsos, a leading research company, has been commissioned to conduct the trip diary survey including randomly recruiting households in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley Regional District to participate in it.
If your household was selected to participate in the 2023 Trip Diary survey, we encourage you to take part. You will be representing your community and making a difference in the region’s transportation future by helping us understand where people are going and how they get there (by car, bicycle, transit or on foot). The information you provide will allow TransLink and our regional partners to improve transportation infrastructure and services in a coordinated effort to help manage congestion and get more people to where they want to go.
In addition to making a difference to the region’s transportation future and as a token of appreciation for completing the survey, Ipsos will provide you with a gift card (or the option to donate the gift card value) in addition to entering your household into a draw for a chance to win one of many cash prizes.
All information will be kept confidential and only used for transportation research and planning purposes. The information you provide about yourself and members of your household is being collected, used and disclosed in accordance with BC's Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). Any questions about the information practices can be directed to the TransLink Privacy Officer at
You can find information about previous trip diaries on our Research and Insights page.
Any questions about the 2023 Trip Diary can be directed to