Access Transit Program

The Access Transit program was established to ensure that accessible transit is integrated into all our transit plans, projects, and programs. The Access Transit team works closely with a Users' Advisory Committee and a HandyDART Users' Advisory committee to implement our access transit programs and services.
Transit Travel Guide
TransLink offers a variety of accessible features and services for customers with disabilities. Read our accessible transit travel guide to learn more.
TransLink Mobility Guide Training Videos
Traveling on transit in Metro Vancouver is easy. Watch our mobility guide training videos to learn more.
The Access Transit Team
The TransLink team that manages implementation of our accessibility programs and services consists of:
Access Transit Planning: manages the Access Transit Strategy, policies, training, and administers the Users' Advisory Committee, as well as the HandyDART Users' Advisory Committee.
Access Transit Customer Care: main point of contact for client services such as HandyDART and HandyCard registration, and administering the TaxiSaver program.
Transit Service Delivery: administers the HandyDART service contract and monitors performance.
First Transit: the service provider that books, schedules, and provides HandyDART trips.
The Access Transit team also works with the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure and BC Transit to help coordinate accessible transportation across the province.
Travelling to Vancouver?
Visit Destination Vancouver's Accessibility page for information about accessible tourism for travelers with disabilities.
Access Transit Strategy Review
TransLink developed the Access Transit Strategy to work towards a transit system that is as accessible as possible for everyone.
The strategy started with reviewing the transit system with representative groups, public transit customers, and employees. The review also considered how other urban regions are making transit more accessible.
Create an Access Transit Office and Users' Advisory Committee
Provide better customer support
Improve access to a full range of transit services
Increase availability and effectiveness of custom transit
The Access Transit team works with the Users' Advisory Committee to achieve these goals.
We offer a variety of services to ensure everyone is comfortable and confident when using public transit.
Braille and Tactile Signage Installation at Bus Stops
TransLink is installing braille signage with raised tactile letters on every bus stop pole across the system. To make it easier to find bus stops, TransLink will also install tactile walking surface indicators at every bus stop on TransLink-owned property.
The signs will contain:
Information written in both Unified English Braille and raised tactile letters
Bus stop ID numbers
Bus routes serving that bus stop
Bay or bus stop indicators
Customer Information phone number
Installation is estimated to complete by the end of 2022. Once complete, TransLink will be the first transit system in Canada to install braille signage across their entire bus system.
Testimonials with described video
Rob Sleath from Access Transit Users’ Advisory Committee shares his transit experiences and the need for the signs.
Joan Billesberger from the Canadian Braille Service shares her story and how braille helps her to be more independent.
Accessible Navigation Project
TransLink has finished piloting a new technology that focused on making it easier for customers with sight loss to navigate the transit system. Using the NaviLens smartphone app, customers were able to receive audio and haptic cues to help find their bus stop and receive other updates in three locations in New Westminster and Vancouver. The six-month pilot launched on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, and concluded on Monday, August 21, 2023.
Learn more about the Accessible Navigation Project.
Travel Training
In partnership with community groups throughout the region, TransLink provides large group informational workshops for seniors and people with disabilities to assist with independent travel.
Train the Trainer workshops are offered for staff and volunteers who support seniors and people with disabilities.
For more information or to request a workshop, please contact the Travel Training team at 604.953.3636.
Mobility Aid Training - Using the Bus with a Mobility Device
Coast Mountain Bus Company (CMBC) provides practice training sessions at the Vancouver Transit Centre on how to board and exit a bus using a mobility device. Thanks to CMBC's multilingual trainers, travel training is offered in the following languages:
To contact an instructor and book a training appointment, call 604.264.5420.
Access Transit Users' Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Access Transit Users’ Advisory Committee (UAC) is to advise TransLink on improvements to the accessibility of our conventional transit services (Bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus and West Coast Express). The Committee provides accessibility-related advice on TransLink plans, programs and other initiatives and is comprised of persons with disabilities, seniors or their representatives. UAC members are people with disabilities, seniors, or support people with disabilities and/or seniors. Successful candidates will be appointed to a three-year term.
For more details about the Committee, please review the UAC Terms of Reference.
The UAC meets approximately six times per year, and members are appointed for a three year term, with the option to reapply for a second consecutive three year term if they wish.
Applications for the Access Transit Users' Advisory Committee and HandyDART Users' Advisory Committee closed on Sept. 15, 2024.
For more information, please contact:
Access Transit Planning, TransLink
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
HandyDART Users' Advisory Committee
The HandyDART Users' Advisory Committee (HDUAC) was formed to allow HandyDART customers to provide input on the service. The committee allows us to hear directly from customers and stakeholders to ensure that this service meets their needs. Particularly, as we deliver on an ambitious workplan and policy changes that arose out of the 2017 Custom Transit Service Delivery Review.
The purpose of the HandyDART Users’ Advisory Committee (HDUAC) is for HandyDART customers and their representatives and stakeholder groups to provide advice and guidance on HandyDART plans, programs and other initiatives, and to advise TransLink on matters to improve HandyDART service for customers. HDUAC members use HandyDART, or support people who use HandyDART. Successful candidates will be appointed to a three-year term.
For more details about the Committee, please refview the HDUAC Terms of Reference.
The committee is composed of a maximum of 13 members and is intended to represent a diversity of disability sectors, municipal and regional districts, age groups, genders, and cultures.
Applications for the Access Transit Users' Advisory Committee and HandyDART Users' Advisory Committee closed on Sept. 15, 2024.
For more information, please contact:
Access Transit Planning
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Custom Transit Service Delivery Review
We're committed to improving the quality and availability of service for HandyDART customers. In June 2016, we began a thorough review of HandyDART operational policies and service structure to address customer concerns. This was in response to several questions that had been raised at TransLink Board meetings, particularly around responsiveness to customer concerns, the standards and quality of HandyDART and taxi services, and the HandyDART service model and operations.
The review formed the basis for recommended changes to HandyDART policies and the service model. It considered industry best practices and input from stakeholders with the goal of helping HandyDART customers get to where they need to go safely and efficiently.
Working with a Stakeholder Advisory Committee, composed of HandyDART customers and advocates, we've identified key areas for change.
In 2012, we reviewed and consulted on how well HandyDART was meeting our customers’ needs. We also wanted to know if we were making the best use of our available resources. This resulted in several recommendations, including a new waitlist process, increased use of non-dedicated vehicles (taxis), and improved education on our cancellation/no-show policies.
In 2016, the TransLink Board of Directors committed to undertake a deeper review of the HandyDART service, focusing on delivery operations and service quality policies. This resulted in the Custom Transit Service Delivery Review.
Technical Work
We spoke with Canadian transit agencies to understand their service policies and how they deliver custom transit services. This provided us with an understanding of how we perform compared to our peers and the innovations taking place across the industry.
Stakeholder Engagement
The Stakeholder Advisory Committee identified key issues, assessed technical work provided by TransLink, and established evaluation criteria for service delivery models. We also held four workshops and two individual stakeholder meetings to ensure this review addressed the needs and concerns of a range of key stakeholders. This was done in coordination with the execution of an online survey. Our Custom Transit Service Delivery Review Engagement Report provides a summary of the engagement findings.
Input received during consultation was considered, along with financial and technical analysis, in refining recommendations to improve the HandyDART customer experience. These recommendations and final report were approved by the TransLink Board of Directors in March 2017.
Consultation Reports
Taxi Pilot Project Report
Consultation Boards
Consultation Reports
Sep 29 2014 - Custom Transit Service Review - Round 3 Consultation Report
Dec 16 2013 - Custom Transit Service Review - Round 2 Consultation Report
May 1 2013 - Custom Transit Service Review - Round 1 Consultation Report
Graphic Recording
Access Transit Resources
Accessible Transit Travel Guide
TransLink is pleased to provide one of the most accessible transit systems in Canada, offering a variety of accessible features and services for customers with disabilities. View our Accessible Transit Travel Guide for more information.
- Accessible Transit in Metro Vancouver - English
- Accessible Transit in Metro Vancouver - Traditional Chinese
- Accessible Transit in Metro Van brochure - Chinese Simplified
- Accessible Transit in Metro Vancouver - Punjabi
- Accessible Transit in Metro Vancouver - Korean
- Accessible Transit in Metro Vancouver - Persian
- Accessible Transit in Metro Vancouver - Spanish
3D Virtual Bus Tour
We're committed to making transit easy to use for people of all ages and abilities.
In partnership with AutismBC and Beckett 3D Studio, we created a new online tool to help individuals with autism feel more confident when travelling on Metro Vancouver buses.
Use our virtual bus tool to tour a 3D TransLink bus at your own pace via a desktop computer or mobile device.
TransLink Mobility Guide Training Videos
Traveling on transit in Metro Vancouver is easy, follow these mobility guides to learn more.
Training videos are available in English with American Sign Language (ASL), Described Video, Cantonese, French, Mandarin, Punjabi, anbd Ukrainian.
English with ASL
Compass Cards and Tickets
View this video in English Described Video, Cantonese, French, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Ukranian.
Traveling on a Bus
View this video in English Described Video, Cantonese, French, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Ukrainian.
View this video in English Described Video, Cantonese, French, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Ukrainian.
Traveling on SkyTrain
View this video in English Described Video, Cantonese, French, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Ukrainian.
Assistance on transit
View this video in English Described Video, Cantonese, French, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Ukrainian.
SeaBus overview
View this video in English Described Video, Cantonese, French, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Ukrainian.
West Coast Express
View this video in English Described Video, Cantonese, French, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Ukrainian.
Trip planning
View this video in English Described Video, Cantonese, French, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Ukrainian.
For more information about the HandyDART Users' Advisory Committee, please contact:
Access Transit Planning